FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Growing Demand for Bradley Method® throughout ConnecticutTwelve Lessons of Instruction for Natural Childbirth Preparation1/22/2010 -- After four natural births of their own, and several years spent raising their four sons, Nancy and George Berntsen have committed to applying their experience and teaching skills as natural childbirth instructors in southern Connecticut. Currently certified as Bradley Method® educators, they are eager to help couples achieve natural birth in an environment that traditionally has had 90+ or more medicated births per 5 or so natural births. Since completion of their training, the Berntsens have received requests for classes from couples throughout the state. Connecticut has several certified Bradley Method® instructors, both individuals and couples, though some geographic areas are a distance from available classes. It is not unusual for couples to travel 30 minutes to an hour for classes.* There are many reasons parents desire natural childbirth. Health of the mother and baby are reasons at the top of the list. Additionally, many expectant moms want presence and active participation and support of the dad and or other family members or friends. Also, many women want to be totally alert and in control of the birth process. They want the freedom to walk around, shower, bathe, eat, drink and sleep as desired (barring complications.) They also want the baby, not someone else, to determine the due date. They want to have plenty of bonding time with their new baby immediately after the birth too, usually with the opportunity to start breastfeeding right after the birth. This sounds like a tall order the way most births go today, with so many inadequately prepared moms expecting pain medications and some 30+ % resulting in cesarean births, most of which could be avoided with appropriate preparation and a supportive birth team. Dr. Robert Bradley, founder of Husband-Coached Childbirth (a.k.a., "Bradley Birth Method) had a natural birth success rate of 96% of 13,000 attempted natural births during his career. Yet natural birth is a rarity in today's hospitals. This drives many women to choose home birth if there are no alternative birth facilities to traditional hospitals. In Connecticut, there is only one such facility in Danbury: Connecticut Childbirth Center. Certified nurse midwives (Registered nurses with additional training and clinical experience in normal childbirth) attend the births with doctors available at the nearby hospital if needed. The Berntsens do not advocate "DIY" (do-it-yourself) births. Although childbirth is almost always a normal, natural event, not an illness, a qualified health care provider should be available as a "life guard" in the event that some kind of intervention is necessary. Women have been giving birth naturally, without drugs for centuries. In many cultures, nearly all women still have natural childbirths. Most women today can achieve natural childbirth through proper education, good nutrition, simple exercises and labor rehearsals using natural methods of breathing, relaxation, positioning and other natural techniques they learn about and practice in Bradley classes. Key to the Bradley Method® is a well-prepared coach, usually the dad/husband. Nancy and George offer a new 12-week series approximately every 6 weeks in order to accommodate a wider range of couples' due dates. It is best to start classes in the 5th month of pregnancy to maximize your preparation for natural birth. Class-size is typically small, 2-5 couples, enabling more individual attention and interaction. Pending their schedule and enrollment, the Berntsens hold classes for individual couples at their location at the same rate as group classes, or as private lessons with tuition adjusted for time and travel expenses based on distance and the number of couples participating. *Couples who have succeeded in natural birth without pain medications and who enjoy teaching and encouraging others might consider getting certified so they can offer classes where they live. Visit the Bradley website for more information on training opportunities offered throughout the year around the U.S. For More Information Contact: |
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